We always find time for what matters most. The Holy triune God matters most to us. So we gather, give thanks, and bow before Him — not just on Sundays, but all day every day. He is THE object of our love and He is Worthy. Job 37:22

Prayer is the intimate communication between the Heavenly Father and His child. So we go to Him, praise Him, ask Him, confess to Him, and yield to Him. All with the unmistakable assurance that He hears us and responds. Psalm 65:2-4

We trust and believe in God’s matchless, immutable, and unstoppable character. His word is inarguable truth wrapped in amazing grace. He is judge, redeemer, and our Rock (among many other things), so we put all our hope in Him. Galatians 3:25-26

Don’t freak out, we’re not asking for your money here. We believe giving is about so much more than money. We joyfully offer time, talent, and treasure as a small yet significant return to God of what is already rightfully His. Romans 12:9-10
Whether you stand looking up from the enormous base or sit staring out from the highest peak of a mountain, you can’t help but be gripped with undeniable awe. God knows we have questions about His sovereignty. We seek with eager expectation for God to show Himself in remarkable ways as He always has. Psalm 77:12-14